Step 4: Wireframe, Hi-Fidelity, Prototype, Test
TL;DR Armed with a hypothesis on the best structure for achieving our goals, it was test and validate time.
Usually, I like to wireframe out multiple solutions, throw them into quick prototypes, and user test each version. Given the expedited timeline of the redesign, it made sense to skip wireframing and go straight into the visual design. I created a hyper quick style guide using Craft, used an 8pt grid, and threw together a starting point we could build off of. I used Marvel to build prototypes and used their "Share Link" feature to get the prototype onto the phones of my user testers. I initially just recruited friends from a slack channel I started for designers (ask me if you want to join!) and then tested people who better fit our target audience by offering them $20 for a 30 minute test on Craigslist. Being that the test can be completed over Google Hangout and thus remotely, it was easy to execute multiple tests daily without lag time. This constant stream of feedback helped immensely both in iterating and in keeping ourselves aligned with the experiences and motivations of our users.